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Professional Support

To receive Professional support, a subscription is required. Further information regarding Professional support and the licenses available to you can be found on the website.

Community Support

Community support is available in our Discord Channel or on Reddit


To join our Discord channel, please click the following link Join openITCOCKPIT Discord Channel


You can also post discussions and questions on Reddit openITCOCKPIT Reddit Channel

I think I've found a bug in the software!

Do you think you've found a bug in the openITCOCKPIT software and would like to report it? There are a number of options for letting us know.

If you have a question about a possible bug, please feel free to join our Discord Channel.


You can easily create bug reports as well as feature requests via GitHub.


If you believe you have found any security-related vulnerabilities, please contact us at the following email address:

Further information can be found on our website.