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Graphing Backend

Docker container

The openITCOCKPIT graphing backend runs on various docker containers. We use Docker Compose for managing the containers. All containers can be controlled using systemd.

Starting the graphing backend:

systemctl start openitcockpit-graphing.service

Stopping the graphing backend:

systemctl stop openitcockpit-graphing.service

Graphing backend status:

systemctl status openitcockpit-graphing.service

systemd status

You can also query the status of the containers using the Docker CLI

Graphing backend status:

docker container ps

docker status

Log file

cd /opt/openitc/docker/container/graphing
docker-compose logs -f

docker-compose.yml file

The file docker-compose.yml can be found in the following folder:



DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT the docker-compose file as it is automatically generated by openITCOCKPIT!


The carbon-c-relay is a load balancer for several carbon-cache instances.

The standard LINE_RECEIVER_PORT PORT (plain text protocol based on TCP) is 2003 and is opened on geƶffnet.

You can change the port used via the openITCOCKPIT web interface.

The configuration file is automatically generated under /opt/openitc/etc/carbon/carbon-c-relay.conf.

Carbon-Cache instances

The carbon-cache instances read and write data from the Whisper files.

The default whisper path on the openITCOCKPIT server is /var/lib/graphite/whisper.

The configuration file is automatically generated under /opt/openitc/etc/carbon/carbon.conf.


The configuration file is automatically generated under Carbon-Cache instances.

The configuration file is automatically generated under /opt/openitc/etc/carbon/


Grafana is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for creating graph-based dashboards. It runs in the background and is used by openITCOCKPIT via the API.

The Grafana web interface can be accessed via the URL https://<openITCOCKPIT-adresse>/grafana/.

The configuration file is automatically generated under /opt/openitc/etc/grafana/grafana.ini.

The user name for the Grafana web interface is admin.

A randomly generated password is created during the installation process. It is saved under /opt/openitc/etc/grafana/admin_password.

The API key used by openITCOCKPIT is saved in the file /opt/openitc/etc/grafana/api_key.

Location of the Whisper files

By default, all Whisper files are stored in the folder /var/lib/graphite/whisper.

The storage scheme is /var/lib/graphite/whisper/<prefix>/<$HOSTNAME$>/<$SERVICEDESC$>/<$METRIC$>.wsp.

whisper file location

You can use the openITCOCKPIT debugging tool to replace the UUIDs with host and service names.

ls -la /var/lib/graphite/whisper/openitcockpit/ | oitc debug -s

whisper files translated

Changing the configuration

If required, you can adjust the configuration of the graphing backend via the openITCOCKPIT web interface.

To do this, navigate to System configuration -> System -> Configuration file editor and select the file docker-compose.yml of the graphing backend.

graphing backend configfile editor

In the next step, you can modify all the important settings such as the storage path or the number of carbon cache instances.

graphing backend configfile editor edit


graphing backend overview

openITCOCKPIT is supplied with several Docker containers.

By default, the system uses the supplied Docker container for saving performance data.

This section of the documentation describes the default values for this configuration.

Saving performance data in the supplied Graphite instance

To save your performance data, navigate to System configuration -> System -> Configuration file editor and select the file statusengine.php.

statusengine configfileeditor

Configuration key Default name Description
graphite_port 2003 Carbon-Cache server adress (open LINE_RECEIVER_PORT of the Carbon-C relay)
graphite_address Carbon-Cache server address (open address of the Carbon-C relay)
graphite_prefix openitcockpit Prefix that is added to each metric in Carbon (Metric: .<$HOSTNAME$>.<$SERVICEDESC$>.<$METRIC$>)

Reading performance data in the supplied Graphite

To do this, navigate to System configuration -> System -> Configuration file editor and select the file statusengine.php.

graphite configfileeditor

Configuration key Default value Description
graphite_web_host Address of the Graphite web server that openITCOCKPIT uses to query data from the Whisper files
graphite_prefix openitcockpit Prefix that is added to each metric in Carbon (Metric: .<$HOSTNAME$>.<$SERVICEDESC$>.<$METRIC$>)
graphite_web_port 8888 Graphite web server port
use_https No Determines whether HTTPS should be used for establishing the connection. Not required for locally running Graphite web instances
use_proxy No Determines whether the proxy server should be used. Not required for locally running Graphite web instances

Now open the perfdatabackend.php configuration file and make sure that the selected backend is Whisper. perfdatabackend configfileeditor

perfdatabackend whisper configfileeditor

Configuration for using the supplied instance of Grafana with the supplied instance of Graphite

Navigate to Systemkonfiguration -> APIs -> Grafana

Configuration key Default value Description
Grafana URL grafana.docker Address of the Grafana server. grafana.docker is automatically resolved to the supplied Grafana instance.
Grafana API key Randomly generated Saved under /opt/openitc/etc/grafana/api_key. Use the value found in this file..
Grafana Prefix openitcockpit Prefix that is added to each metric in Carbon (Metric: .<$HOSTNAME$>.<$SERVICEDESC$>.<$METRIC$>).
Establish a connection via HTTPS Yes Determines whether HTTPS should be used to establish a connection.
Use proxy No Determines whether the proxy server should be used.
Ignore SSL certificate Yes Self-signed certificates are trusted
Dashboard style Light Use the light or dark style for Grafana
Host group empty If this value is set, Grafana dashboards will be generated for all hosts in the specified host group(s) (if left empty, a dashboard will be generated for all hosts)
Host groups (excluded) empty If set to no, Grafana dashboards will be created for the hosts in the specified host groups

Use external Graphite and Grafana servers (experts)

In order to distribute the system load to different nodes, you can select the option for configuring external systems to store your performance data.

Saving performance data in an external Graphite instance

To do this, navigate to System System configuration -> System -> Configuration file editor and select the file statusengine.php.

statusengine configfileeditor

Configuration key Value Description
graphite_port 2003 Standard LINE_RECEIVER_PORT from Graphite)
graphite_address Host name or IP address of the external Graphite server
graphite_prefix openitcockpit Prefix that is added to each metric in Carbon (Metric: .<$HOSTNAME$>.<$SERVICEDESC$>.<$METRIC$>)

Reading performance data from an external source (openITCOCKPIT itself)

To accomplish this, navigate System configuration -> System -> Configuration file editor and select the file statusengine.php.

graphite configfileeditor

Configuration key Value Description
graphite_web_host Host name or IP address of the external Graphite web server
graphite_prefix openitcockpit Prefix that is added to each metric in Carbon (Metric: .<$HOSTNAME$>.<$SERVICEDESC$>.<$METRIC$>)
graphite_web_port 80 Graphite web server port
use_https Yes/No Determines whether HTTPS should be used for establishing the connection.
use_proxy Yes/No Determines whether the proxy server should be used.

In the next step, open the perfdatabackend.php configuration file and make sure that the selected backend is Whisper. perfdatabackend configfileeditor

perfdatabackend whisper configfileeditor

Configuration for using external Grafana with external Graphite instance

Navigate to System configuration -> APIs -> Grafana

Configuration key Value Description
Grafana URL Address of the external Grafana server
Grafana API key Randomly generated A Grafana API key with "Editor" permissions must be generated
Grafana Prefix openitcockpit Prefix that is added to each metric in Carbon (Metric: .<$HOSTNAME$>.<$SERVICEDESC$>.<$METRIC$>).
Establish a connection via HTTPS Yes/No Determines whether HTTPS should be used to establish a connection.
Use proxy Yes/No Determines whether the proxy server should be used
Ignore SSL certificate Yes/No Self-signed certificates will be trusted
Dashboard style light Use the light or dark style for Grafana
Host group empty If this value is set, Grafana dashboards will be generated for all hosts in the specified host group(s) (if left empty, a dashboard will be generated for all hosts)
Host groups (excluded) empty If set to no, Grafana dashboards will be created for the hosts in the specified host groups

Generate Grafana API key

new grafana api key

new grafana api key edit

Migrating from RRDTool to Whisper

As of openITCOCKPIT 3.6, performance data (used for graphs) is stored in Whisper (Carbon).


No automatic migration takes place if you upgrade from an older version of openITCOCKPIT to version 3.6 or newer. For this reason, empty graphs will be displayed until new data has been collected.

To ensure that migrating from RRDTool to Whisper is as easy as possible, we offer our own tool: rrd2whisper

Downloading and installing rrd2whisper

We provide our own rrd2whisper packages for every supported distribution on the official download page.

Internet connection required

To install rrd2whisper, a working Internet connection is required. If you need an HTTP proxy connection, you will need to configure this first

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/rrd2whisper$(lsb_release -sc)_amd64
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rrd2whisper
sudo apt-get install rrdtool

rrd2whisper will now be installed under the following path: /opt/rrd2whisper.

Begin migration

The migration process will read all .rrd files from /opt/openitc/nagios/share/perfdata and save them as .wsp files under var/lib/graphite/whisper.


Make sure you have enough free hard disk space available before you start the migration. Whisper needs about half the space that RRDTool requires.

Test the migration

Before you begin migrating all your files, you should first perform a test with a single .rrd file.

sudo /usr/local/bin/rrd2whisper -limit 1

Using the parameter --limit 1 only a single file will be processed. You should then see output similar to this:

convert test

In this example, the service was migrated with the UUID b123beaf-0575-4ec4-b353-328df2fba0e3. As the next step, you should now open the openITCOCKPIT web interface and search for this UUID, making sure the graph includes the migrated performance data.

Perform the migration

After confirming your test was successful, you can now migrate all your performance data.


The migration process can take several hours to complete depending on the amount of performance data to be migrated. The migration process will not influence your monitoring activities. New performance data will be merged.

Migrating with standard parameters:

sudo /usr/local/bin/rrd2whisper
The migration output will be logged to /var/log/rrd2whisper.log.

Use the parameter --help to be able to see all options.

sudo /usr/local/bin/rrd2whisper -help

Failed migrations

In the event that the migration fails or other unexpected errors appear, you can start the migration over again. Every successfully processed .rrd file is marked with .ok , so that no entries are ever migrated twice.

[16:02]root@graphing/tmp# ls /opt/openitc/nagios/share/perfdata/abfb63a8-5187-46bf-a6f1-5120fcac66b6/*