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Hello World

Hello World - Backend

The structure of your new module should look like the following example:

modul structure

A good starting point would be to create your first page with the traditional output "Hello, World".

Creating a new controller

CakePHP controllers contain all the business logic and provide the API endpoints for the frontend.

In this example we will create the "TestController".

Create the file /opt/openitc/frontend/plugins/ExampleModule/src/Controller/TestController.php mit folgendem Inhalt:


namespace ExampleModule\Controller;

class TestController extends AppController {


Creating a new action

Actions contain the logic for your API endpoint.

We will now create an action with the name index to output the message Hello World.


namespace ExampleModule\Controller;

class TestController extends AppController {

    public function index() {
        if (!$this->isApiRequest()) {
            // The requested URL was: /example_module/test/index.html
            // The controller only sends the HTML template to the client browser / AngularJS

            // Pass the variable "message" with the content "Hello World (HTML)" to the view for .html requests
            $this->set('message', 'Hello World (HTML)');

        // This get executed for API requests
        //  The requested URL was: /example_module/test/index.json

        // Pass the variable "message" with the content "Hello World" to the view
        $this->set('message', 'Hello World');

        // Add the variable "message" to .json output
        $this->viewBuilder()->setOption('serialize', ['message']);


Creating the view

The view is rendered in your browser. openITCOCKPIT supports two view types:

The HTML view is loaded by AngularJS and contains the static HTML structure with placeholders for information about the current action.

The JSON view contains the data for the placeholders that pertain to the current action.

Creating the HTML view

Create the file /opt/openitc/frontend/plugins/ExampleModule/templates/Test/index.php with the following content:

 * @var \App\View\AppView $this
 * @var string $message

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-xl-12">
        <div id="panel-1" class="panel">
            <div class="panel-hdr">
                    <?php echo __('Example Module'); ?>
                    <span class="fw-300"><i><?php echo __('Hello World'); ?></i></span>
            <div class="panel-container show">
                <div class="panel-content">

                    <!-- Output "Hello World (HTML)" that was set by the controller -->
                    <?= h($message); ?>


!!! info AngularJS will load the template once and then cache it. Do not use <?php foreach($data as $record): ?> to output data.

Creating the JSON view

The JSON view is automatically generated by the CakePHP framework.

You can read more about this topic in the CakePHP documentation.

Assigning permissions for the "Administrator" user role

By default, all access to the API actions is denied. You can have openITCOCKPIT assign all permissions to the " Administrator" user by executing the following command:

openitcockpit-update --no-system-files

If your current user is not part of the "Administrator" group, you must navigate to Verwaltung -> Benutzerverwaltung -> Verwalte Benutzerrollen and assign the permissions manually.

grant permissions

Querying actions

You should now be able to request the .html and .json actions.

Navigate in your web browser to /example_module/test/index.html to get the HTML action.

hello world html browser

It is normal that no CSS or Javascript is loaded at this point.

By going to /example_module/test/index.json you will get the JSON representation of the action.

hello world json browser

Hello World - Frontend

New menu item

By default, the openITCOCKPIT menu is divided into four categories (MenuHeadline): Overview, Monitoring, Administration and System Configuration.

You can either create links in these categories or create your own categories.

All menu entries for your module are defined in the file /opt/openitc/frontend/plugins/ExampleModule/src/Lib/Menu.php definiert.

Menu entry for the existing heading

PHP Code


namespace ExampleModule\Lib;

use itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\Core\Menu\MenuCategory;
use itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\Core\Menu\MenuHeadline;
use itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\Core\Menu\MenuInterface;
use itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\Core\Menu\MenuLink;

class Menu implements MenuInterface {

     * @return array
    public function getHeadlines() {
        $Overview = new MenuHeadline(\itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\Core\Menu\Menu::MENU_OVERVIEW);
            //Create a new Sub-Category of the Overview Headline
            ->addCategory((new MenuCategory(
                __('Example Module'),
                'fas fa-burn'
                //Add new Link to Sub-Category
                ->addLink(new MenuLink(
                    __('Hello world'),
                    'TestIndex', //Name of the NG-State
                    'Test', //Name of the PHP Controller
                    'index', //Name of the PHP action
                    'ExampleModule', //Name of the Module
                    'fas fa-code', //Menu Icon

        return [$Overview];



new menu entry


new entry phpstorm

Now execute the following command to update the display for the views that have been edited.

openitcockpit-update --no-system-files

If needed, you can also create your own headings.

PHP Code


namespace ExampleModule\Lib;

use itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\Core\Menu\MenuCategory;
use itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\Core\Menu\MenuHeadline;
use itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\Core\Menu\MenuInterface;
use itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\Core\Menu\MenuLink;

class Menu implements MenuInterface {

     * @return array
    public function getHeadlines() {
        $ExampleModuleHeadline = new MenuHeadline(
            __('Example Module')
            //Create a new Sub-Category of the Overview Headline
            ->addCategory((new MenuCategory(
                __('Example Module'),
                'fas fa-burn'
                //Add new Link to Sub-Category
                ->addLink(new MenuLink(
                    __('Hello world'),
                    'TestIndex', //Name of the NG-State
                    'Test', //Name of the PHP Controller
                    'index', //Name of the PHP action
                    'ExampleModule', //Name of the Module
                    'fas fa-code', //Menu Icon

        return [$ExampleModuleHeadline];




Now execute the following command to update the display for the views that have been edited.

openitcockpit-update --no-system-files

Creating a new NG-State / AngularJS route

The web interface for openITCOCKPIT is built on the AngularJS framework. Each API action needs its own AngularJS state and controller.

All states are defined in the file /opt/openitc/frontend/plugins/ExampleModule/webroot/js/scripts/ng.states.js definiert.

        .state('TestIndex', { // Name of the NG-State => Same as in Menu.php
            url: '/example_module/test/index', // URL the browser should display
            templateUrl: '/example_module/test/index.html', // URL of the .html Template for AngularJS
            controller: 'TestIndexController' // Name of the AngularJS Controller. Convention: Controller name + Action Name + 'Controller'

Creating an AngularJS controller

Each action encapsulates its JavaScript logic within an AngularJS controller. Controllers only execute one action at a time. Each action requires its own controller. If you want the same code in different controllers, create an AngularJS service.

Now create your "TestIndexController" under the directory: /opt/openitc/frontend/plugins/ExampleModule/webroot/js/scripts/controllers/Test/TestIndexController.js. Convention: /opt/openitc/frontend/plugins/ExampleModule/webroot/js/scripts/controllers/<PHPController name>/<Controller Name><Action Name>Controller.js .

    .controller('TestIndexController', function($scope, $http){

        //Name TestIndexController same as in ng.states.js
        //Convention: Controller name + Action Name + 'Controller' = TestIndexController

        console.log('TestIndexController is loaded');


You can now click on your menu item and see the results.

new module page