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Linking core tables with plugin tables

In some cases, a link to an openITCOCKPIT core table object is required from a module's table object.

In this example, we want to delete the "additional notes" from the module table as soon as the associated host is deleted. To implement this, we do not need to modify any core code.


Only core tables that use the PluginManagerTableTrait can be extended by modules.

class HostsTable extends Table {
use PluginManagerTableTrait;
If you want to extend a core table that does not already use the PluginManagerTableTrait, do not hesitate to send us a pull request.


Create the file /opt/openitc/frontend/plugins/ExampleModule/config/associations.php to define a list of core tables to associate with your plugin tables.

return [
    'Hosts' => [ //Core Table
        'ExampleModule.ExampleNotes' //Plugin Tables

Defining the Table::bindCoreAssociations method

You now need to create the bindCoreAssociations() method in your Plugin-table class.

Within this method you can define table associations that would normally have been defined in the core HostsTable class.



namespace ExampleModule\Model\Table;

use App\Model\Table\HostsTable;
use Cake\Datasource\RepositoryInterface;
use Cake\ORM\Query;
use Cake\ORM\RulesChecker;
use Cake\ORM\Table;
use Cake\Validation\Validator;

class ExampleNotesTable extends Table {
     * Initialize method
     * @param array $config The configuration for the Table.
     * @return void
    public function initialize(array $config): void {


        $this->belongsTo('Hosts', [
            'foreignKey' => 'host_id',
            'joinType'   => 'INNER',
            'className'  => 'Hosts',

    public function bindCoreAssociations(RepositoryInterface $coreTable) {

        // Link the Core HostsTable with the Plugin table without modifying core code.       

        switch ($coreTable->getAlias()) {
            case 'Hosts':
                $coreTable->hasOne('ExampleNote', [ //Singular => hasOne!
                    'className' => 'ExampleModule.ExampleNotes',
                    'dependent' => true

Testing associations


//Query core Hosts Table to test Plugin associations
/** @var HostsTable $HostsTable */
$HostsTable = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Hosts');
$hosts = $HostsTable->find()
        'ExampleNote' => function(Query $query){
            return $query;
        //'ExampleNote' //Singular => hasOne!

Result json result with hosts 2


By default, each individual controller action will create a new user permission.

user permissions example

However, some actions may depend on other actions and may affect the entire application if a user disables a particular permission.

To prevent this, you can define ACL-based dependencies if required.

AclDependencies are defined in the file /opt/openitc/frontend/plugins/ExampleModule/src/Lib/AclDependencies.php definiert.

namespace ExampleModule\Lib;

use App\Lib\PluginAclDependencies;

class AclDependencies extends PluginAclDependencies {

    public function __construct() {

        // Add actions that should always be allowed.
            //      Controller name, Action mame
            ->allow('Test', 'foobar');

        //    Add dependencies       //

            //           Controller name, Action name, depends on: Controller name, Action name
            ->dependency('Test', 'foo', 'Test', 'bar');

Actions marked as "always allowed" or set as "dependency" can no longer be selected by the user.

These are set automatically by the system.

Every time you make changes in AclDependencies, you must execute the following command

openitcockpit-update --no-system-files

AdditionalLinks can be used to extend core views with your own menu items.

Currently, the following views support this feature:

Controller Action
Hosts index
Services index

If you need a link in a previously unsupported view, please open an issue on GitHub.

AdditionalLinks are defined in the file /opt/openitc/frontend/plugins/ExampleModule/src/Lib/AdditionalLinks.php definiert.


namespace ExampleModule\Lib;

use App\Lib\PluginAdditionalLinks;

 * Class AdditionalLinks
 * @package itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\ExampleModule\AdditionalLinks
class AdditionalLinks extends PluginAdditionalLinks {

     * @var array
    private $links = [];

     * PluginAdditionalLinks constructor.
    public function __construct() {
        // Add a link to hosts index drop down
                'fas fa-code',
                __('Module Link'),
                'test', //controller for permission check
                'index' //action for permission check


AdditionalLinks example


If you want to include your own CSS and Javascript (apart from AngularJS controllers, services and directives), you have to define them in the file /opt/openitc/frontend/plugins/ExampleModule/src/Lib/AngularAssets.php.


Make sure you have implemented the AngularAssetsInterface.


namespace itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\ExampleModule\AngularAssets;

use itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\Core\AngularJS\AngularAssetsInterface;
use itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\Core\AngularJS\PluginAngularAssets;

class AngularAssets extends PluginAngularAssets implements AngularAssetsInterface {

     * @var array
    protected $jsFiles = [

    protected $cssFiles = [

     * @return array
    public function getJsFiles() {
        return $this->_getJsFiles('example_module');

     * @return array
    public function getCssFiles() {
        return $this->_getCssFiles('example_module');

     * @return array
    public function getJsFilesOnDisk() {
        return $this->_getJsFilesOnDisk('ExampleModule');

     * @return array
    public function getCssFilesOnDisk() {
        return $this->_getCssFilesOnDisk('ExampleModule');

Cron jobs

Cron jobs are CakePHP commands that implement the openITCOCKPIT CronjobInterface.


Make sure you have implemented the CronjobInterface.



namespace ExampleModule\Command;

use App\Model\Table\ProxiesTable;
use App\Model\Table\SystemsettingsTable;
use Cake\Console\Arguments;
use Cake\Console\Command;
use Cake\Console\ConsoleIo;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\Core\Interfaces\CronjobInterface;

 * Class ExampleCronjobCommand
 * @package ExampleModule\Command
class ExampleCronjobCommand extends Command implements CronjobInterface {

     * @param Arguments $args
     * @param ConsoleIo $io
    public function execute(Arguments $args, ConsoleIo $io) {
        $io->setStyle('green', ['text' => 'green']);
        $io->setStyle('red', ['text' => 'red']);

        $io->out('This is an example', 0);

        $io->out('<green>   Ok</green>');


Plugins can also contain widgets that a user can place on the dashboard.

All widgets are defined in the file /opt/openitc/frontend/plugins/ExampleModule/src/Lib/AngularAssets.php.


namespace ExampleModule\Lib;

use itnovum\openITCOCKPIT\Core\Dashboards\ModuleWidgetsInterface;

class Widgets implements ModuleWidgetsInterface {

     * @var array
    private $ACL_PERMISSIONS = [];

     * Widgets constructor.
     * @param $ACL_PERMISSIONS
    public function __construct($ACL_PERMISSIONS) {

     * @return array
    public function getAvailableWidgets() {
        $widgets = [];
        //Check for user permissions
        if (isset($this->ACL_PERMISSIONS['examplemodule']['test']['index'])) {
            $widgets[] = [
                'type_id'   => 900, //A unique identify
                'title'     => __('Example Overview'),
                'icon'      => 'fas fa-code',
                'directive' => 'examplemodule-widget',
                'width'     => 4,
                'height'    => 13

        return $widgets;
