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Update from Agent 1.x to 3.x

This documentation describes the best practice method of how to update from openITCOCKPIT Monitoring Agent Version 1.x (Python Agent, EOL) to Version 3.x (Go Agent).

Due to massive technical changes and improvements the update from version 1.x to 3.x isn't that seamless as you are used to it form the openITCOCKPIT ecosystem. Most of the services from Agents that are running in Pull Mode should be fine. Some services like QEMU monitoring have been replaced. Others like support for Fans have been removed.

Agents that are running in Push Mode needs to be reassigned to the corresponding host manually.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


  • openITCOCKPIT >= 4.2

Required configuration changes

Comment out all blank values like certfile =, autossl-csr-file =, auth = and so on in config.cnf and customchecks.cnf

Also rename customchecks.cfg to customchecks.ini or comment out the line so the Agent will use the platform specific default path.

customchecks = /etc/openitcockpit-agent/customchecks.ini

Pull Mode

openITCOCKPIT will automatically update your existing configuration for the openITCOCKPIT Monitoring Agent 3.x. Due to the fact that some checks have changed or got removed you should check for any services in Unknown state.

  1. Make sure your openITCOCKPIT Monitoring Server is running openITCOCKPIT Version 4.2 or newer
  2. Update the openITCOCKPIT Monitoring Agent by following the Update instructions
  3. Refresh the monitoring configuration

Refresh monitoring configuration

Resolve services in unknown state

First of all take a look at the breaking changes. Some services just needs to be modified a bit. Others may have to be recreated: 1. Open the drop down menu of the host and click on "openITCOCKPIT Agent discovery" to start the wizard 2. Follow the steps and re add all your services.

Push Mode

A new authentication method got implemented to identify and authorize Agents running in Push mode. This change requires to reassign Agents to their corresponding hosts.

  1. Make sure your openITCOCKPIT Monitoring Server is running openITCOCKPIT Version 4.2 or newer
  2. Update the openITCOCKPIT Monitoring Agent by following the Update instructions
  3. Start the openITCOCKPIT Monitoring Agent on the target host.

The log file of the agent should now frequently repeat the following line:

time="2021-02-26T08:29:03Z" level=error msg="Push Client: could not send state to server:  Invalid credentials or host not found"

This means that the Agent needs to be assigned to a host. (With Agent 1.x this process was called trusted)

  1. Assigned Agent to host Open the openITCOCKPIT web interface and navigate to openITCOCKPIT Agent -> Agents Overview -> Push. You should get a list of all Agents running in Push mode, that contacted your openITCOCKPIT server.

Select the Agent and pick Assign to host from the drop down menu. Assigned Agent to host

  1. Select the corresponding host from the drop down list and continue Select host

It is also recommended to refresh the Agent configuration while you are stepping through the wizard.

  1. Check that you have selected the correct Agent. You can change it if required. Check for correct Agent

  2. Refresh the monitoring configuration to apply the changes.

Refresh the monitoring configuration

  1. Most of the services should now work again. Take a look at the breaking changes. Some services just needs to be modified a bit. Others may have to be recreated

Services with new results

Update instructions

The update process is different per operating system and frome linux distribution to linux distribution. Please follow the instructions carefully.

Debian and Ubuntu

Download the latest openitcockpit-agent_3.x.x_amd64.deb package from the releases page and install the package via apt.

apt-get install ./openitcockpit-agent_3.x.x_amd64.deb

apt will ask you if you want to keep your current configuration files /etc/openitcockpit-agent/config.ini and /etc/openitcockpit-agent/customchecks.ini. Confirm with N or O to keep your current configuration.

Please keep in mind to apply the required configuration changes. If done restart the Agent

systemctl restart openitcockpit-agent

Red Hat Linux / CentOS / openSUSE

Download the latest openitcockpit-agent-3.x.x-1.x86_64.rpm package from the releases page.

Uninstall old Agent

cp /etc/openitcockpit-agent/config.cnf /etc/openitcockpit-agent/
cp /etc/openitcockpit-agent/customchecks.cnf /etc/openitcockpit-agent/

rpm -e openitcockpit-agent

Install new Agent

rpm -i openitcockpit-agent-3.x.x-x.x86_64.rpm

mv /etc/openitcockpit-agent/ /etc/openitcockpit-agent/config.ini
mv /etc/openitcockpit-agent/ /etc/openitcockpit-agent/customchecks.ini

systemctl restart openitcockpit-agent

Please keep in mind to apply the required configuration changes.

Arch Linux

Download the latest openitcockpit-agent-3.x.x-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst package from the releases page.

Uninstall old Agent

cp /etc/openitcockpit-agent/config.cnf /etc/openitcockpit-agent/
cp /etc/openitcockpit-agent/customchecks.cnf /etc/openitcockpit-agent/

pacman -R openitcockpit-agent

Install new Agent

pacman -U openitcockpit-agent-3.x.x-x-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

mv /etc/openitcockpit-agent/ /etc/openitcockpit-agent/config.ini
mv /etc/openitcockpit-agent/ /etc/openitcockpit-agent/customchecks.ini

systemctl restart openitcockpit-agent

Please keep in mind to apply the required configuration changes.


Download the latest openitcockpit-agent-3.x.x-amd64.msi package from the releases page.

Double click on the file to run the graphical installer. The MSI will automatically uninstall any old versions.

Copy old configuration

  1. Stop service openITCOCKPITAgent
  2. Open C:\Program Files\it-novum\openitcockpit-agent with Windows Explorer
  3. Delete the default config.ini and customchecks.ini
  4. Rename the file config.cnf to config.ini and customchecks.cnf to customchecks.ini.
  5. Please keep in mind to apply the required configuration changes.
  6. Start service openITCOCKPITAgent


Uninstall old Agent

Download the latest openitcockpit-agent-uninstaller-3.x.x-darwin-amd64.pkg package from the releases page.

Double click on the file to run the graphical uninstaller.

If you prefer you can also use the CLI:

sudo installer -pkg openitcockpit-agent-uninstaller-3.x.x-darwin-amd64.pkg -target / -verbose

Install new Agent

Download the latest openitcockpit-agent-3.x.x-darwin-amd64.pkg package from the releases page.

Double click on the file to run the graphical installer.

If you prefer you can also use the CLI:

sudo installer -pkg openitcockpit-agent-3.x.x-darwin-amd64.pkg -target / -verbose

Please keep in mind to apply the required configuration changes and restart the Agent if done.

sudo su
/bin/launchctl stop

/bin/launchctl start

Breaking changes

  • The default file extension for the configuration files got changed from .cnf to .ini to enable highlighting in most editors and to support double click to edit on Windows.

Breaking checks

The following list of checks have breaking changes and needs to be manually modified or re-created with the new Wizard.

Linux / macOS
  • Sensor related checks got reimplemented.
  • It's recommended to delete the old Sensor related services and recreated them via the Wizard
  • Support for Fans got removed
  • QEMU got replaced with libvirt. All QEMU related services needs to be deleted. Please see how to enable libvirt support and recreated the services via the Wizard
  • The Docker checks are using the Docker API now and therefore need to be recreated via the Wizard. Also Docker is now available for Windows.
  • System Load / CPU Load on Windows got removed
  • Disk drive letters without trailing backslash #1062
  • The resolve the issue edit the service and remove the trailing backslash from the Mountpoint command argument. E.g.: C:\ to C:
  • Windows Event Log Checks
  • Windows Event Log got reimplemented. It's recommended to delete the old Windows Event Log related services and recreated them via the Wizard
  • Windows Services - The unique Service name is now used to determine if a service is running or not. Agent 1.x used the Path to executable.
  • The resolve the issue edit the service and set the Service name for the Match command argument. Windows Service Name