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Determining the host status

Pull Mode

In Pull Mode, openITCOCKPIT will actively query the status information from the target device. By default this is done by the OITC_AGENT_ACTIVE service check. This service gets deployed on each host, that is monitored in pull mode, automatically. By default openITCOCKPIT will use the default ICMP/Ping (check-host-alive) check to determine the state of the host.

You can also use the openITCOCKPIT Monitoring Agent as host check. To do so, disabe the OITC_AGENT_ACTIVE on the corresponding host. Do not delete the service! Only disable it.

Disable Service

Than change the host template of the host to openITCOCKPIT Agent - Pull and refresh your monitoring configuration.

openITCOCKPIT will now use the host check to query the data from the Monitoring Agent. As soon as the Agent does not respond or is not reachable to host will switch into the "Down" state.

Host template or command is missing

In case of the default templates are missing on your system, you need to create them manually.


Field Value
Command type Host check command
Name check-host-alive-oitc-agent-pull
Command line /opt/openitc/receiver/bin/poller.php poller -H "$HOSTNAME$" -c /opt/openitc/receiver/etc/production.json --host-check

Host template

Field Value
Template name openITCOCKPIT Agent - Pull
Template type Generic Template
Description Actively monitor a Host via openITCOCKPIT Monitoring Agent operating in Pull Mode
Check period 24x7
Enable active checks Yes
Check command check-host-alive-oitc-agent-pull
Check interval 60
Retry interval 60
Max. number of check attempts 1

Push Mode

In Push Mode, openITCOCKPIT can not actively query the host state from the target device. For this reason, openITCOCKPIT checks the timestamp of the last data transmission from the Monitoring Agent. If the Agent did not submit data for more than X minutes, the host switch into "Down" state.

To enable this, edit the Host and pick openITCOCKPIT Agent - Push as host template and refresh your monitoring configuration. openITCOCKPIT will no evaluate the timestamp of the last transmission to determine the host status.

Host template or command is missing

In case of the default templates are missing on your system, you need to create them manually.


Field Value
Command type Host check command
Name check-host-alive-oitc-agent-push
Command line /opt/openitc/frontend/bin/cake agent --check -H --hostuuid "$HOSTNAME$" --critical $ARG1$
ARG1 Age in seconds

Host template

Field Value
Template name openITCOCKPIT Agent - Push
Template type Generic Template
Description Host monitored via openITCOCKPIT Monitoring Agent operating in Push Mode
Check period 24x7
Enable active checks Yes
Check command check-host-alive-oitc-agent-push
ARG1 120
Check interval 60
Retry interval 60
Max. number of check attempts 1