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C:\Program Files\it-novum\openitcockpit-agent



Start in foreground


sudo systemctl stop openitcockpit-agent

sudo /usr/bin/openitcockpit-agent --config /etc/openitcockpit-agent/config.ini --log /tmp/agent.log --verbose --debug


sudo su
/bin/launchctl stop

/Applications/openitcockpit-agent/openitcockpit-agent --config /Applications/openitcockpit-agent/config.ini --log /tmp/agent.log --verbose --debug


Open a new PowerShell window. Administrator privileges are not required but recommended. Please see Windows Service Configuration how to enable Verbose and Debug options.

cd "C:\Program Files\it-novum\openitcockpit-agent"
Stop-Service -Name openITCOCKPITAgent

.\openitcockpit-agent.exe -c "$PWD\config.ini" -l "$env:TEMP\agent.log" --debug --verbose

Query the Agent - Pull Mode with enabled AutoTLS

You can run this curl command on the openITCOCKPIT Monitoring Server to send an request to the Agent.

curl -k -v --cacert /opt/openitc/agent/server_ca.pem --key /opt/openitc/agent/server_ca.key --cert /opt/openitc/agent/server_ca.pem

Manual query and process check results - Pull Mode

You can run this command on the openITCOCKPIT Monitoring Server to send an request to the Agent and pass all check results to the Monitoring Engine

/opt/openitc/receiver/bin/poller.php poller -H <Host-UUID> -c /opt/openitc/receiver/etc/production.json --verbose

If you don't want to pass the check results to the Monitoring Engine add the option --dryrun

Access submitted data - Push Mode

Open the openITCOCKPIT web interface and navigate to openITCOCKPIT Agent -> Agents Overview -> Push and select Show received data from the drop down menu.

If the entire Agent is missing from the list, please check the log file of the Agent for any errors.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

On Windows Systems, the openITCOCKPIT Monitoring Agent relies on WMI to query system metrics. It is important that WMI is enabled and operational (default behavior).

In rare cases, the Agent faces some errors such as could not query wmi for process perfdata list: Exception occurred. (Invalid query ) or Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor: WMI: Invalid class.

First you should try to query WMI manually through PowerShell.

Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor

If this fails with an error message, you can restore the Windows Performance Counter settings to the defaults.

  1. Open a CMD.

  2. Restore Windows Performance Counter settings

    lodctr /R

  3. Resync the counters with Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI):


  4. Restart the openITCOCKPIT Monitoring Agent Service.