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I've created a host, but I can't find it in the hosts list

A newly created host will not automatically appear in the main host list. Instead, newly created hosts can be found in the host list under the Not monitored tab. This means that the host exists in openITCOCKPIT, but is not yet known to the monitoring engine.

You will first need to export the configuration in order for the newly created host to be monitored.


Error message


Attention! Lost connection to SudoServer. External commands may not work. Please try to reload this page


Achtung! Verbindung zum SudoServer verloren. Externe Befehle funktionieren möglicherweise nicht. Bitte versuche diese Seite neu zu laden.


sudo_server.service is not running or the web interface has lost the connection.


Reload the web page. If the problem still exists, restart the sudo_server service.

systemctl restart sudo_server.service

If the problem persists, you can contact us for further assistance.

Debugging/Troubleshooting Page

Interface information

The interface information provides you with an overview of your openITCOCKPIT server. Information on the version and edition being used will also be displayed here. In addition, information on the monitoring engine being used as well as the paths to the configuration, backups and command interface are also provided here.

interface info

Process information

Under Administration -> System tools -> Debugging you will find the debugging (troubleshooting) overview. Using process information you can get an overview of the processes required for running openITCOCKPIT.

process info

SQL Query Log

The SQL Query Log displays all SQL queries that are executed in the SQL database.



tip For SQL query logging to take place, the option 'log' => true must be set in the file /opt/openitc/frontend/config/datasource.php!

Server information

The server information contains various basic data about your openITCOCKPIT server. This includes information about the operating system, web server, basic PHP information and the CPU.

CPU load and RAM/hard disk utilisation of the openITCOCKPIT server

The openITCOCKPIT web interface offers an overview of the current CPU, RAM, SWAP and hard disk utilisation. This can be viewed on the debugging page.

Queuing engine

You can find an overview of the queuing engine on the debugging page. All the queues for the Gearman job server and their status are displayed here. gearman-job-server overview

Email configuration

You can get an overview of the current email configuration on the debugging page under "Email configuration".

PHP configuration

An overview of the current overall PHP configuration can be found at the end of the debugging page.

System Health

The System Health display provides information about the overall status of the openITCOCKPIT system. See System Health display

Where can I find the various log files?

Naemon log

The log file for the Naemon monitoring engine can be found at


It is recommended to view the log file with the oitc debug --tailf command, as this replaces the Unix timestamps and UUIDs, which significantly increases the readability of the log file.

openITCOCKPIT web frontend


Gearman Job Server








Refresh monitoring configuration is stucking

In case of an error with the openITCOCKPIT backend, it could happen that the refresh of the monitoring configuration is running forever. The refresh is done by a separate background worker. To resolve the issue please follow the steps described below. The current state of the refresh is stored in the openITCOCKPIT database, so rebooting the machine will not resolve the issue.

Running refresh of monitoring configuration

  1. Stop the openITCOCKPIT gearman_worker background process

    systemctl stop gearman_worker.service

  2. Now execute the command gearadmin --status, to verify that no pending Jobs are waiting in the oitc_gearman queue. If there are no pending jobs, the output should look something like this:

    oitc_gearman    0   0   0           # Pending jobs    Actively running    Available workers

  3. If there are pending jobs, run the following command to truncate the queue. Repeat this until no more pending jobs are waiting in the queue.

    gearman -w -c 1 -t 1000 -f oitc_gearman > /dev/null

  4. Truncate the table exports in the openitcockpit database, to reset the current state of the refresh.

    mysql --defaults-extra-file=/opt/openitc/etc/mysql/mysql.cnf -e "TRUNCATE TABLE openitcockpit.exports;"

  5. Restart the gearman_worker service

    systemctl start gearman_worker.service

Refresh is still crashing

Under some rare circumstances it could happen that the gearman_worker is crashing due to an error within the code itself. To print out any error messages, follow the steps 1 to 4 as described above. Instead of starting the gearman_worker via systemd in the background, start it in foreground mode and refresh the monitoring configuration via the openITCOCKPIT interface.

export OITC_DEBUG=1

oitc gearman_worker

Check the terminal for any errors.

gearman_worker running in foreground mode to print out error message

openITCOCKPIT installs some optional but still important packages through weak dependencies. A good example is the MySQL server. While openITCOCKPIT requires a MySQL server, the MySQL server can be installed on a different server, so openITCOCKPIT only recommends to install the mysql-server package rather than having a hard dependency.

apt showing recommended packages

Another example is the Grafana Module. While it is nice to have Grafana installed, it is not a must have. So openITCOCKPIT just recommends to install Grafana but it has no hard dependency for it.

By default, Ubuntu and Debian systems are installing recommended packages. How ever, some cloud providers have configured apt to not install recommended packages.

To see if your apt is configured to not install recommended packages, you can use this command

grep -ri 'Install-Recommends\|Install-Suggests' /etc/apt

This example shows an apt configuration, where the installation of suggested and recommended packages is disabled:

root@ubuntu-4gb-hel1-1:~# grep -ri 'Install-Recommends\|Install-Suggests' /etc/apt
/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01norecommends:APT::Install-Recommends "0";
/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01norecommends:APT::Install-Suggests "0";

RHEL based systems

On RHEL based systems we use the same technique. Instead of "Recommended packages", RHEL based systems call these weak dependencies.

weak dependencies on RHEL

Unsupported distribution or /etc/mysql/debian.cnf is missing!

If you see this error message when you try to run /opt/openitc/frontend/ most likely the recommended mysql-server package was not installed on your system. To resolve the issue, run apt-get install mysql-server on Ubuntu and apt-get install mariadb-server on Debian systems and restart the

mysql server is missing

/opt/openitc/nagios/libexec: No such file or directory

In this case, you have not installed the default set of monitoring plugins. Run apt-get install openitcockpit-monitoring-plugins to resolve this issue.

No checks are executed

In case you get (service check orphaned, is the mod-gearman worker on queue 'service' running?) as service check output, please make sure that Mod-Gearman is installed and running.

To ensure that the Mod-Gearman Worker is installed on your openITCOCKPIT Server execute apt-get install openitcockpit-mod-gearman-worker-go-local

If this does not resolve the issue, please take a look at the Mod-Gearman section for more information.

Grafana is missing

In case your openITCOCKPIT interface has no Grafana, you have to install the package: apt-get install openitcockpit-module-grafana.